Flickr4Writer is a plug-in for Windows Live Writer that allows you to include images and videos in a blog directly from your Flickr account. Live Writer is a component of Windows Live package; with it, you can create and publish blog entries on any blogging site.
Firstly, Flickr will require you to authorize the access to your account through Flick4Writer. Once authorized, you will be able to access to your content freely without leaving Windows Live Writer, including your private content. Thus, in order to use this plug-in you will need to have at least a blog configured in Windows Live Mail and an account in Flickr. Then you can search for your photos using the same tags you used in Flickr to catalog your images, and insert them in your messages in whichever size you prefer, with or without a frame, and using the alignment and spacing of your choice.
Flick4Writer is a much-needed plug-in for Windows Live Writer that will make the process of inserting images in your blog entries a lot easier, as you can use those videos and photos you have already posted in Flickr. Now you will not need to upload them into another server in order to allow your blog to show them. This will save you lots of time and bandwidth.